
The Best Way To Post On Facebook & Google Plus

When it comes to social media, many photographers (including us) want to save time by using automated tools. For example, using Buffer App can save time posting spontaneous links to your Facebook page. Using IFTTT can automatically share your newest blog article on your Facebook page.

Using automation tools are definitely valuable with how busy we are as photographers. But when you are ready to post something on Facebook or Google Plus, there is a simple trick that can increase the views, likes, +1s, clicks and re-shares.

Here are the steps for both Facebook and Google Plus:

  1. Select/Upload your photo(s) to the post
  2. Paste the URL of the link you want clicked
  3. Below the link, include a description of the content the viewer will read about
  4. Post it!

When you’re done, the post should look something like this:


After you’ve posted the article, you can feature it on Facebook by making it the full width of your timeline.

Want to see more effective Facebook strategies?  Check out this article from Amy Porterfield.

I also want to mention that you might have a preference for including the URL to your article/page at the bottom of your social post. That is also effective, and looks a lot nicer. However, it will decrease the click-through rate because it won’t be as prominent as having the URL at the top.

That’s about it.  This simple technique will increase the conversions you are hoping for.  If you have questions please feel free to comment.

Thanks for reading,


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sharing link with photo is always a good idea. Photos gets more attention then simply sharing the link. Another thing you could do is after link, ask a relevant question from users. This will result in more engagement in the form of comments and your post will show in the news feed of other people too who are friends with the users commenting on your photo.

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