Should You Tweet Content More Than Once

Should You Tweet Content More Than Once?

A really interesting discussion was going on at Twitter. Rand of Moz was saying that he wanted to convince his wife Geraldine to tweet content more than once.

That one tweet stirred up a conversation that you can read on Twitter.

Here is a quick screenshot of part of the conversation.

Should You Tweet Content More Than Once

As you can see, Rand is an advocate for tweeting content more than once because it’s unlikely that all of your followers will see your content the first time.

I agree with Rand completely. In fact, here is my method of tweeting.

I use Buffer to schedule my tweets, and FollowerWonk to determine the best time to tweet.

I then use two WordPress plugins to automate sharing. WP to Buffer is used to add new content to my Buffer queue at specific intervals.

Then Buffer my Posts is used to schedule older content to reshare at a specific interval.

At the same time I mix in fresh content from other websites that I curate and feel my followers would enjoy. That way it’s a good mix of old, new and other people’s content.

This has worked for me, and I constantly adjust the timing and intervals to make it more optimal. That’s the key… try, fail, adjust, try.

I hope you found this helpful in your journey towards Twitter mastery.

Thanks for reading,

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